Friday, May 15, 2015

Where does it stop

I strongly agree that the Wellness Bill should not be passed.  I agree with putting wellness programs into the work place, but feel it is a violation of privacy to have to answer questions about family health.  I agree it would be very likely that an employer could use this information in their decisions to hire or promote employees.  Perhaps I feel so strongly about this because my father has Diabetes.  I would not want to have to let an employer know this.  The fact that that I have a higher chance of becoming Diabetic could be used against me and cause me to not be hired or promoted.  If an employer is looking at two applicants who are equal in ability but one has a history of family illness, of course they would choose the one that would cost them less on insurance payments and possible time off the job.  There is no guarantee that just because my father has Diabetes that I too will get it, and I would not want to be hired or not promoted because of it.  It certainly would not be right to ask an employer if they had a parent in prison and make the assumption that there is a chance that the employer will also be a criminal.  Making assumptions that someone with disease in their family will also have the disease is not true.  I understand that disclosing family medical history could be helpful in creating wellness programs, but I think the risk is too high that this information would be used in the wrong way.  Wellness programs are a great idea and a good way to help employees stay healthy, but it should be up to the employer if they choose to disclose information about their family health history.  Just like employers can’t ask about religion, sexuality, or race, they also should not be able to ask about family medical history.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Will we have social security?

      i hear kids my age all the time saying "we wont get a nickel from social security" but i believe that thats wrong because social security is one of the most popular government programs in the united states of america. As long as there are people around to vote and voice there option social security wont just go away. See the social security is funded by the FICA taxes you pay every time on your pay check so as long as people are working money will be put back into the social security. Plus in current law the social security account could run dry and you would still get most of your benefits. i think what got everyone so upset about is when we dipped into the trust fund. The trust fund is made when all the FICA taxes are collected and the social security is payed and there is left over money that left over money is put into a trust fund. so when we had to go to the trust fund people stared the rumor that our generation will not have social security. But government knows that social security is to important to just desolate it.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Americans leadership

             I agree with Mr. Johnson's post to a degree. America is a truly wonderful country that give us a
freedom we all take advantage of. You can sit there and bad mouth this country run it through the
mud and burn the flag but nothing will happen to you. Because you have the freedom to do that. in
other countries they would have your head for doing much less. And yes there is some corruption with
powerful government people and there interest groups but at lest our politicians don't have the army in
the streets demanding toal submission of our citizens. Im not saying america is perfect by a long shot
but from places like Iraq and north Korea i will choice the lesser evil. And the talk about america taking
to long for something to happen on big issues is unfair. People don't see the big picture. if it was a
simple fix then it would be done but americas big business have a hand in the decisions if you like it or
not. Government leaders walks a tight ripe balancing between big business and whats best for the
people. I know its hard to think this but the government is running with the devils of big business
hoping it will never catch up.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Gun ban, is it right?

       Banning guns is against the constitution plain and simple. There was a time when high school rifle teams were popular, boy scouts earned badges for marksmanship, hardware stores sold guns, and there were even mail order guns sent straight to your door from catalogs with no regulations. Times are definitely different now.  During those times there where little or no mass school shootings, but the problem is not the guns it is society as a whole and how society has changed. Banning guns will simply disarm law abiding citizens and give the criminals an unfair advantage. If guns are banned, criminals will illegally obtain a gun just like they can obtain illegal drugs. Why would anyone think a law would ever stop a criminal?  Criminals will always find a way to obtain illegal guns and the law abiding citizens are who the law would affect.  If the theory for banning guns is based on that guns kill people, then are we also going to ban knifes and cars?  Knifes and car accidents kill people too! It is written in our constitution that Americans have a right to bear arms.  If we take away guns, are we next going to take away the right to free speech? As a free law abiding citizen my government should not be able to tell me when or how I can defend myself or family. The problem is we are focusing on the wrong problem.  Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.  I strongly agree with gun regulations and safety training for guns.  I agree that people need to be taught to respect a gun and the power that a gun has.  I also strongly agree that banning guns is not the answer to the problem.  Columbine, Sandy Hook and all the school shootings are definitely tragedies, but banning guns will not solve this problem.  Our time would be better spent focusing on mental health rights and help for mentally ill people than focusing on banning guns.  Banning guns will only put a band-aide on the problem 

Friday, March 13, 2015


         In the article, “It is Time to Disband the Republican Party” written by Thom Hartman, Hartman 

states that he feels the Republican Party should be dissolved because it only serves the wealthy.  

According to Hartman’s credentials, he seems creditable. He is an award-winning best-selling author 

and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show.  I feel his intended audience is other 

progressive Americans or members of the Democratic Party.  Although he has many credentials, I do 

not feel he is creditable because he proclaims that today’s Republican Party hasn’t done a single 

positive thing for “We the People” in nearly 100 years.  I don’t think it is very realistic to state that the 

Republican Party has not done one positive thing in the past 100 years.  This is biased reporting and 

does not seem as though he is looking at the Republican Party from an unbiased perspective.  I do agree 

that the Republican Party needs to be restructured, but do not agree that it needs to be disbanded.  

Hartman states that today’s Republicans don’t care if millions of Americans can’t get access to 

lifesaving and affordable health care, and they don’t care if millions of Americans are struggling to put 

food on the table each and every night.  I don’t think it is an accurate statement that all Republicans 

don’t care about families having food or insurance.  I know many Republicans who care about the 

welfare of the lower class.  Hartman states that the Republican Party is completely corrupt.  Again, this 

is a broad statement. Unfortunately, I feel that in today’s politics all political parties have some 

corruption within them.  No party is all good or all bad and it is up to us as voters to make wise 

decisions on who we support.  I choose to vote on the candidate rather than the party.

smirking chimp.