Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Gun ban, is it right?

       Banning guns is against the constitution plain and simple. There was a time when high school rifle teams were popular, boy scouts earned badges for marksmanship, hardware stores sold guns, and there were even mail order guns sent straight to your door from catalogs with no regulations. Times are definitely different now.  During those times there where little or no mass school shootings, but the problem is not the guns it is society as a whole and how society has changed. Banning guns will simply disarm law abiding citizens and give the criminals an unfair advantage. If guns are banned, criminals will illegally obtain a gun just like they can obtain illegal drugs. Why would anyone think a law would ever stop a criminal?  Criminals will always find a way to obtain illegal guns and the law abiding citizens are who the law would affect.  If the theory for banning guns is based on that guns kill people, then are we also going to ban knifes and cars?  Knifes and car accidents kill people too! It is written in our constitution that Americans have a right to bear arms.  If we take away guns, are we next going to take away the right to free speech? As a free law abiding citizen my government should not be able to tell me when or how I can defend myself or family. The problem is we are focusing on the wrong problem.  Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.  I strongly agree with gun regulations and safety training for guns.  I agree that people need to be taught to respect a gun and the power that a gun has.  I also strongly agree that banning guns is not the answer to the problem.  Columbine, Sandy Hook and all the school shootings are definitely tragedies, but banning guns will not solve this problem.  Our time would be better spent focusing on mental health rights and help for mentally ill people than focusing on banning guns.  Banning guns will only put a band-aide on the problem 

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