Friday, April 17, 2015

Americans leadership

             I agree with Mr. Johnson's post to a degree. America is a truly wonderful country that give us a
freedom we all take advantage of. You can sit there and bad mouth this country run it through the
mud and burn the flag but nothing will happen to you. Because you have the freedom to do that. in
other countries they would have your head for doing much less. And yes there is some corruption with
powerful government people and there interest groups but at lest our politicians don't have the army in
the streets demanding toal submission of our citizens. Im not saying america is perfect by a long shot
but from places like Iraq and north Korea i will choice the lesser evil. And the talk about america taking
to long for something to happen on big issues is unfair. People don't see the big picture. if it was a
simple fix then it would be done but americas big business have a hand in the decisions if you like it or
not. Government leaders walks a tight ripe balancing between big business and whats best for the
people. I know its hard to think this but the government is running with the devils of big business
hoping it will never catch up.

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