Friday, March 13, 2015


         In the article, “It is Time to Disband the Republican Party” written by Thom Hartman, Hartman 

states that he feels the Republican Party should be dissolved because it only serves the wealthy.  

According to Hartman’s credentials, he seems creditable. He is an award-winning best-selling author 

and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show.  I feel his intended audience is other 

progressive Americans or members of the Democratic Party.  Although he has many credentials, I do 

not feel he is creditable because he proclaims that today’s Republican Party hasn’t done a single 

positive thing for “We the People” in nearly 100 years.  I don’t think it is very realistic to state that the 

Republican Party has not done one positive thing in the past 100 years.  This is biased reporting and 

does not seem as though he is looking at the Republican Party from an unbiased perspective.  I do agree 

that the Republican Party needs to be restructured, but do not agree that it needs to be disbanded.  

Hartman states that today’s Republicans don’t care if millions of Americans can’t get access to 

lifesaving and affordable health care, and they don’t care if millions of Americans are struggling to put 

food on the table each and every night.  I don’t think it is an accurate statement that all Republicans 

don’t care about families having food or insurance.  I know many Republicans who care about the 

welfare of the lower class.  Hartman states that the Republican Party is completely corrupt.  Again, this 

is a broad statement. Unfortunately, I feel that in today’s politics all political parties have some 

corruption within them.  No party is all good or all bad and it is up to us as voters to make wise 

decisions on who we support.  I choose to vote on the candidate rather than the party.

smirking chimp.

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