Friday, May 15, 2015

Where does it stop

I strongly agree that the Wellness Bill should not be passed.  I agree with putting wellness programs into the work place, but feel it is a violation of privacy to have to answer questions about family health.  I agree it would be very likely that an employer could use this information in their decisions to hire or promote employees.  Perhaps I feel so strongly about this because my father has Diabetes.  I would not want to have to let an employer know this.  The fact that that I have a higher chance of becoming Diabetic could be used against me and cause me to not be hired or promoted.  If an employer is looking at two applicants who are equal in ability but one has a history of family illness, of course they would choose the one that would cost them less on insurance payments and possible time off the job.  There is no guarantee that just because my father has Diabetes that I too will get it, and I would not want to be hired or not promoted because of it.  It certainly would not be right to ask an employer if they had a parent in prison and make the assumption that there is a chance that the employer will also be a criminal.  Making assumptions that someone with disease in their family will also have the disease is not true.  I understand that disclosing family medical history could be helpful in creating wellness programs, but I think the risk is too high that this information would be used in the wrong way.  Wellness programs are a great idea and a good way to help employees stay healthy, but it should be up to the employer if they choose to disclose information about their family health history.  Just like employers can’t ask about religion, sexuality, or race, they also should not be able to ask about family medical history.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Will we have social security?

      i hear kids my age all the time saying "we wont get a nickel from social security" but i believe that thats wrong because social security is one of the most popular government programs in the united states of america. As long as there are people around to vote and voice there option social security wont just go away. See the social security is funded by the FICA taxes you pay every time on your pay check so as long as people are working money will be put back into the social security. Plus in current law the social security account could run dry and you would still get most of your benefits. i think what got everyone so upset about is when we dipped into the trust fund. The trust fund is made when all the FICA taxes are collected and the social security is payed and there is left over money that left over money is put into a trust fund. so when we had to go to the trust fund people stared the rumor that our generation will not have social security. But government knows that social security is to important to just desolate it.